MAAC Workshops and Field Trips: click link to register


MAAC is sponsoring two field trips in 2025! To register you must be logged into your MAAC website account. Field trip attendees must be registered for the 2025 conference. The deadline for registration is March 14, 2025. Contact Erin Cagney (erincagney@gmail.com) or Mandy Melton (melton.archaeoserv@gmail.com) with registration questions.

Tour of Gettysburg Battlefield

Friday, March 21, 4:30 PM-6:00 PM

Join a Licensed Gettysburg Battlefield Guide, for an overview tour of the three-day Battle of Gettysburg. 

The tour will focus on the fighting that occurred on Days 2 and 3 of the battle along Cemetery Ridge. 

Visitors will learn about specific aspects of combat, hear stories of local civilians affected by the battle,

and see up-close the cultural landscape preserved and managed by the National Park Service.  The tour

will meet at the National Cemetery parking lot at 4:15 and will last approximately 1.5 hours.

South Mountain Rhyolite Quarry Tour

Thursday, March 20, 1:00 PM-3:00 PM

Join Geologist Mark Tucker for a short hike to a rhyolite quarry site in nearby Michaux State Forest (~ 20 min from Gettysburg). During this excursion, attendees will enjoy a short hike in the Carbaugh Run Natural Area, a nearly 800-acre portion of the state forest managed to protect archaeological resources. The hike will lead to a large precontact rhyolite quarry site with numerous quarry pits.  Mark will provide a brief summary of variation in local rhyolite and share examples from multiple South Mountain quarries. The hike will be approximately 1-2 miles over easy terrain. Carpooling is highly recommended. More details will be provided after registration.

Registration is capped at 30 participants.

Registration fee: $30

Non-MAAC Sponsored Workshops

Introduction to Metal Detecting

Thursday, March 20, 9:00 AM-11:00 AM

Instructors: Jo Balicki, Joel Dukes, Mary Jane Balicki, and Kerry Gonzalez 

This two-hour workshop led by instructors from the Advanced Metal Detecting for the Archaeologist (AMDA) Course will introduce students to the applications, efficacy, and best practices of metal detection in archaeological contexts. Participants will learn the basics of machine operation, environmental factors that impact accuracy, general machine settings, and detector techniques. Students will also get to handle and try out several different types of machines.

Registration is capped at 20 participants.

Registration fee: $30

In Context: Introducing the Middle Atlantic Environmental Archaeology Collective

Thursday, March 20, 3:00 PM-5:00 PM

Facilitators: MAAC Committee on Climate Change Responses

A defining characteristic of Middle Atlantic archaeology is the environmental foundation that integrates multiple disciplines to create a context for the cultures of a highly varied geographic region.  As the demands of climate change and the introduction of new technologies transform our discipline, the integration of archaeological knowledge with an understanding of environmental processes reinvigorates our regional tradition of practice.  The introduction of the Middle Atlantic Environmental Archaeology Collective through this seminar at MAAC 2025 provides the opportunity to once again embrace the environmental approach while thinking more broadly about the role it can play in this time of challenge.  Through expert-led mini-tutorials in pedology, geomorphology, hydrology, ecofacts, and coastal processes, participants will have the opportunity to re-think their research questions and tie them to the larger discussion of the role of environmental archaeology in the Middle Atlantic.  A goal of the seminar is to develop the Collective as a 'go to' virtual organization that shares ideas and innovations while supporting the relevance of our work to contemporary issues.

Registration is capped at 20 participants. 

No registration fee.

CRM Field Skills Workshop

Sunday, March 23rd, 9:00am–1:00pm

About to step foot into the CRM world? Join leading CRM professionals at MAAC’s first Field Skills Workshop for students and new CRM professionals.  We will be doing hands-on learning through shovel test excavations in Gettysburg National Military Park, where you’ll learn tips and tricks for digging safely and efficiently. We will also cover the basics of reading cultural landscapes, like what kinds of plants may be planted around a historic home site, compass orienteering, and basic field safety. Finally, we’ll go through the nitty gritty details of what to pack in your field kit (and what to leave at home). You will leave the workshop with a list of field kit essentials, contacts from Mid-Atlantic CRM firms, and the confidence you need to excel in the field. This is an opportunity for students and new CRM professionals to connect with folks in the business in a safe and judgment-free learning environment. Students should arrive prepared for the elements and ready to ask all their most pressing questions.

Registration is capped at 20 participants.

No registration fee. 

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2024-2025 Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference

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