What is MAAC?

We meet annually, in early spring, for three days of papers, discussion groups, special workshops, our business meeting, and, of course, a party to catch up on what all our colleagues have been doing for the past year!

Anyone interested in the archaeology of the area from New York to Virginia, and from the Atlantic coast to West Virginia, is welcome. You do not have to be a member to register for the conference and hear about the latest of a wide variety of archaeological sites dating from the earliest Paleo-Indian sites to 20th-century sites, and of all site types, from small single-use Native American procurement sites and large village sites, to historic period urban, rural, industrial, diverse ethnic and immigrant sites, and underwater sites. Come join us!

Mission Statement

To provide a yearly conference and a professional journal for archaeologists, both avocational and professional, working in the Middle Atlantic area: a place to meet, discuss problems and issues, present recent work, and socialize with our colleagues.

MAAC Journal

The MAC Journal is a professional published journal. As a member of MAAC you get the journal in either PDF format or printed version. You can also purchase previous issues and individual articles here

2024-2025 Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference

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